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"We are only a small fish in a big pond but we just wanted you all to know that we really appreciate the fabulous and speedy service you give us.  The only time there was any delay was shortly after the end of Covid-19 which we fully understood. 

So go on Team….give yourselves a big fat pat on the back for being such a success. 

For those of you who partake, enjoy a tipple or two and have a safe, happy and healthy well-earned Christmas break.

PS Don’t forget to spend sometime in sunny Central Otago if you get this way


Kindest Regards

Barry & Jan"


Cromwell Lakeside B&B CROMWELL


"Hi Dean

Sorry I missed you today and yes it was nice out on the water.....need to do more!!

Yes we have enjoyed our relationship this past 10 months or so.  Your website ordering is great, your customer service team is fantastic and your visits are very beneficial.

I thank you Dean for calling in and I know you have lots of places to visit so to come to little old Whitianga is great for us.

All the best for Christmas,we hope you have some quality time with family and friends and do pass on my best wishes to all in your customer service and warehouse.

Best wishes Bruce."

Albert No. 6 Motel WHITIANGA

"Our new Chapeau bedspreads arrived on Christmas Eve afternoon, after being shipped especially to the motel in a rush, so we could place them into our rooms prior to the Christmas and New Year holidays.

The style and colours are great and go well in our rooms with carpet and curtains.

Thanks so much to the team at Gilmac for their help and assistance in choosing this stylish range of bed covers.

Jill and Julian"

Accent on Taupo TAUPO


 "You are very lucky to have a staff member with such great product knowldge, acts promptly and treats every customer like they are "the only one". It is also noted that he does not have hid phone on when dealing with a client so you definitely feel that you have his sole and undivided attention. He is a darling and all our staff think he is neat too"



Executive Motel TAUPO


"Body wash arrived safely. Thank you for the products and keeping me up to date. Great Service



Venice off the Square MARTINBOROUGH


"Thanks for the prompt service with the cards, arrived this morning.

New bathroom amentities went in yesterday and look amazing, had 5 great comments on them already, one gentlemen works in a 5* Hotel in Dubai and said that these were the nicest products that he had used. That the soap even lathers!

Have a great day, positive comments keep you bouncing."




Quantum Lodge Motor Inn HAMILTON


Dear Ross and Team

 "We received  our  compendiums today and just wanted to say  how thrilled we were with them.
Thank you very much you were easy to deal with and very efficient."

 Kind Regards

Kay and Robin King

Caples Court Motel and Apartments QUEENSTOWN